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Sierra Designs is an outdoors gear manufacturer and retailer. The company is one of the oldest ones in the industry and it is only rivaled by a handful of other companies. Two friends by the names George Marks and Bob Swanson founded the company in 1965. They founded the company in a smallish building in the city of Richmond in California. The owners put in only 25K in the capital but they were very passionate about building an outdoors equipment company that could last for ages and they did it. Their brand is now one of the leading manufacturers in the outdoors industry.
The brand makes a wide variety of quality mountaineering merchandise including very durable tents, sleeping bags, backpacks, in addition to men's and women's jackets, tops, bottoms, and hats. The company also makes dresses for women. Unlike some American companies that have outsourced most of their manufacturing to other countries especially in the Far East, Sierra Designs continues to manufacture most of its clothes and gear in the golden state of California.
This company has a good reputation. Most of the reviews and ratings it has received online are very positive. People like the quality of products it makes and how functional and useful their tents, backpacks, and jackets are in very rugged outdoor environments. Due to its good reputation, the brand continues to grow in leaps and bounds.
You can buy Sierra Designs on the official website or from authorized dealers around the country. The official website is sierradesigns.com, and you can locate the authorized dealers via the store locator feature on this website.
Those interested in Sierra Designs tents, backpacks, jackets, and other gear do not have to pay full. This is because we have found and explained all the ways you can save cash when shopping for camping or mountaineering gear on sierradesigns.com. Read on to find out how you can apply Sierra Designs coupons, where to get such coupons, and so much more about the brand.
Sierra Designs has a very nice free shipping policy. Their policy is that they will deliver any domestic order above 49 USD free of charge. Domestic in this case refers to addresses within the contiguous United States; this excludes Alaska, Puerto Rico, Guam, Hawaii, and other US territories. This free shipping policy also does not apply for orders to PO Boxes or to military addresses. The best thing about this free shipping policy is that it is fast. Orders placed before 12-noon ship on the same day as long as it is a working day. Those placed later than 12-noon, ship on the next working day.
Sierra Designs has a decent returns policy. The brand accepts the return of any item within 30 days from the day you receive it. However, you must first call the company to get an official Return Authorization Number, and the item you are returning must be accompanied by the original packing slip or sales invoice. Needless to say but the item must also be in its original condition for the company to accept it. All accepted returns are refunded within two weeks after the company receives them.
Sharing is caring. Submit A Coupon for Sierra Designs here.
For info about how to find Sierra Designs Coupon codes, please check out the section below this one. Once you grab a valid Sierra Designs promo code from anywhere, use the steps below to apply it.
1. Browse the official Sierra Designs website to find and select the product you want to buy.
2. Begin the checkout process by clicking your shopping bag.
3. The checkout process on this site has 6 steps: account details, billing details, shipping details, shipping method, order confirmation, and payment details. Provide the required details until step 5 (order confirmation).
4. It is at step 5 where you will be able to review your order and apply your Sierra Designs coupon code. Upon reviewing your order, key in your coupon code in the field marked coupon code near the bottom of the page and then click "APPLY." This will reduce your order total.
5. Complete the order by paying the balance amount.
You can save plenty of cash when shopping Sierra Designs through the use of Sierra Designs coupon codes/ promo codes. The codes can be found on the company's website. We also display unexpired Sierra Designs coupons whenever they are available. The moment you get a valid discount code from anywhere, use the steps in the section above to apply it to your order. However, you must note that Sierra Designs only accepts the use of one code per order. Moreover, Sierra Designs coupon codes cannot be applied to certain orders on the website including sale items.
Quite a number of people also save on the site by joining the brand's mailing list. By subscribing to the mailing list, you will get the latest news about the company delivered straight to your inbox. You will also receive exclusive discount deals and offers.
Lastly, you can save by shopping for this company's sale section where dozens of products are listed at more than 60 percent off!
This company was founded in 1965 in Richmond City, California, by George Marks and Bob Swanson. The two entrepreneurs were very passionate about the outdoors and invested their formonies to start the business. Their company is now one of the leading manufacturers and retailers of outdoors gear.
Some of the products you can buy from the company website include backpacks, sleeping bags, sleeping quilts, outdoors sleeping pillows, tents, men's and women's clothing, and so on. The company has a good reputation for selling quality, durable, and functional merchandise.
You can buy Sierra Designs for less by using Sierra Designs promo codes (check the section above), by shopping the company's sale section, and by joining their mailing list for exclusive offers.
This brand is definitely worth checking out.
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